By introducing penalty function terms, the problems, which would arise in the case of pure Lagrange multiplier method or penalty function method. 通过附加惩罚函数项,克服了单纯使用拉格朗日乘子法或惩罚函数法时存在的问题。
In ASIC architecture design, it is important to decrease chip's area by decrease the function unit ( adder, multiplier, etc.) 在ASIC结构设计中,通过减少功能单元(例如加法器和乘法器)的数目使得集成电路的面积最小是很重要的。
When taking into account of the voltage dependency of load characteristics, load flow equations are not quadratic function of state variables, optimal multiplier newton method of load flow solution for ill conditioned power system can not implemented. 当考虑负荷电压静特性时,潮流方程不再为状态变量的二次函数,传统的求解病态潮流问题的最佳乘子牛顿法无法实施。
And then, under the assumption that the objective function is cone-convexlike, we get the results off-Lagrange multiplier,ε-Lagrange duality of the set of ε-proper strict efficient solutions of ( SVP). 其次,在目标映射为锥-类凸的假设条件下,得到了集值优化问题(SVP)的ε-(真)严有效点(解)的ε-Lagrange乘子定理及ε-Lagrange型对偶性结果。
The calculation of the Transfer Function of the Integrated Analogue Four-Quadrant CMOS Multiplier by using the Indefinite Admittance Matrix of Two Phase Switched Capacitor Circuit 利用未定导纳矩阵计算二相位开关电容模拟四象限乘法器的传输函数&乘法特性
The paper pointe out the important role of extended Lagrange function in solving the constrained non-linear program by means of the method of classical Lagrange multiplier& penalty function. 本文从古典的Lagrange函数的乘子法入手,通过对惩罚函数法的分析,指出了增广的Lagrange函数在解决带约束非线性规划问题中的重要作用。
This paper makes further improvement of and analysis on the consumption function from multiplier theory and balance revenue theory in order to make it approach the practical situation. 在乘数理论、均衡收入理论等方面对消费函数进行了进一步的改进与分析,以使其更加接近实际情况。
Furthermore, when replacing the entropy function by a general separate multiplier function, we develop a new regularization approach, referred to as Lagrangian regularization approach. The first part of this dissertation is composed of four chapters, concentrating on the study for Lagrangian regularization approach. 在此基础上,通过用一般可分离乘子函数代替熵函数作正则项,建立了一种新型正则化方法,即拉格朗日正则化法。本文上篇共含四章,主要进行拉格朗日正则化法的研究。
On the nature and function of the multiplier effect of military expenditure 论军费支出乘数效应的性质与作用
If rural residents income is relatively raised, it will inevitability reduce national consumption propensity because the function of investment multiplier can relieve the current "three agriculture" problem. 若能相对提高农业居民收入,因投资乘数的作用必然会带来国民消费倾向的降低,缓解目前的三农问题。
The influences of Sishui Water-conservancy Projects ( SWPs) on basins 'economic development are quantitatively studied from two aspects: first, SWPs' contribution to economic growth is analyzed by using C-D production function and multiplier method; 本文从两个方面定量研究了湖南四水治理项目对流域经济发展的影响:一是采用C-D生产函数法和乘数法分析了四水治理项目对流域经济增长的贡献;
In the optimal calculation of pipe networks, using genetic algorithms to optimize, by natural number coding. Then this thesis simply discuss the selection of initial genetic colony and the reasonable value of penalty function multiplier. It improve the constringency speed of genetic algorithms. 在管网优化计算部分,采用遗传算法,用自然数编码的方式进行遗传优化,对初始种群的优选,适合度函数中惩罚因子的取值,作了初步的探讨,提高了遗传优化的收敛速度。
The Problem of Selection of Initial Value and Multi-step of the Method of Penalty Function Multiplier 罚函数乘子的初值选取和多步长问题
New Approach Based on Function Level EHW for Multiplier Design 基于函数级进化方法的乘法器设计
Let μ be a normal function. In this paper, the author characterizes the pointwise multiplier from the space R ( q, s) to the generalized Bloch type space β μ on the unit ball B of C n. 设μ是一个正规函数,本文刻划了Cn中单位球B上R(q,s)空间和广义Bloch型空间βμ之间的点乘子。
Using penalty function in the object function instead of final constraint condition, with Euler equation and Lagrange multiplier method, the condition for the minimization of the value of the object function can be derived. 在目标函数中用罚函数代替终点限制条件,利用拉格朗日乘子法和欧拉方程推导出使目标函数极小化的条件。
Reissner equations of elastic plate are derived on the bases of incomplete generalized variational principle of complementary energy. The stress function is obtained from the variational calculation in the form of Lagrange multiplier. The structure of solution of Reissner equations is thus determined. 本文根据不完全广义余能原理重新推导了Reissner方程,使应力函数ψ以拉格朗日乘子的方式从变分中自然引出,同时明确了Reissner方程的解的结构。
According to the establishment of consumption function, this text infers that the multiplier affect is very low in our country, and analyses the reason for the low effect. At last it puts forward some measure to improve the multiplier affections. 通过建立消费函数,推断出我国的投资乘数效应比较低下,并分析了乘数效应低下的原因,最后给出了提高乘数效应的对策和措施。
Based on two force equilibrium equations of a sliding mass, earth pressure is formulated in terms of calculus of variation, and is transcribed as the functional extreme-value of two undetermined function arguments by means of Lagrange's multiplier. 以滑动体静力平衡的两个力平衡方程为基础,引入拉氏乘子,将土压力问题以变分学观点来描述,转化为确定含有两个函数自变量的泛函极值问题。
An enhanced target function is built up via Lagrange multiplier and the principle of equal mini rate of consumption increasement and the method of static boiler model analysis are put forward. Also, new requirements on the property of consumption function are introduced. 借助拉格朗日乘数法建立增广的目标函数,提出等耗量微增率准则及静态锅炉模型辨识方法,对耗量函数的性质给出了凸性要求。
By means of the coupled penalty function method and Lagrange multiplier method, the optimal control problem with constraints of contol and state variables is converted to an equivalent one with no constraint. So a simplified computation method without two-point boundary iteration is proposed. 利用耦合罚函数方法及拉格朗日乘子方法,将有控制约束、状态约束的最优控制问题转化为无约束的最优控制问题。
In the model of ISLM, we redraw the fiscal multiplier function, denoting that crowd-out effect anti-acts the multiplier effect, due to the rate of interest. A Study on FDI's Crowd-out Effect on China's Domestic Investment 首先在ISLM模型中,重新推导了财政支出乘数,指出由于利率的影响,挤出效应减弱了乘数效应。外国直接投资对我国国内投资挤出效应研究
Because of the complexity of the big scale nonlinear problem, the selection of the initial value of penalty function multipier is a very important problem of the method of penalty function multiplier, the other the selection of the step. 由于较大规模非线性问题本身的复杂性,罚函数乘子的初值选取是罚函数乘子法的一个非常重要的问题,另一个非常重要的问题就是步长选取。
If the coefficients depend only on the spatial variable, we use the distance function to construct the multiplier, and then use the classical comparison theory from Riemannian Geometry to deal with the error terms. 当变系数只依赖于空间变量时,我们用距离函数构造几何乘子,然后用黎曼几何中经典的比较定理来估计余项。
Stochastic simulation and BP neural network method are used to generate the output function of the Stochastic Expected Value Model and the Stochastic Chance-Constrained Programming Model which are based on the multiplier penalty function. 随机模拟、BP神经网络等方法用来为基于乘子罚函数的随机期望值模型和随机机会约束规划模型产生函数输出。
And with the convex function optimization theory and Lagrange multiplier method, we obtain the optimal solution for power distribution. 2. 并借助凸函数优化理论及拉格朗日乘子等方法求得功率分配的优化解。
Finally under the new objective function, by using Lagrange multiplier and basic gradient optimization algorithm we obtain a new inverse algorithm called sign gradient inverse algorithm. 最后在新的目标函数下利用拉格朗日乘子以及基本梯度优化算法得到了一种新的反演算法称为符号梯度反演算法。
Non-linear function generator, summator and multiplier are modeled, emulated and optimized by PSpice. It has good results. 论文中分别对非线性函数产生器电路、加法器电路和模拟乘法器电路利用PSpice仿真软件进行了建模、仿真和优化,最终达到了理想的效果。
In the unsteady analysis, the CPU time of the penalty function method is less than the Lagrange multiplier method. 罚函数法非稳态分析的CPU时间比拉格朗日乘子法少。
When an appropriate penalty parameter values, the penalty function method has almost given the same accuracy as the Lagrange multiplier method. 当罚参数取值合适时,罚函数法与拉格朗日乘子法具有相当的计算精度。